Emily believes in working with each individual student and horse to create a unique plan for success, whether your goal is to compete, to understand, or simply to enjoy horses. Her extensive riding and training program offers private and small-group sessions in Classical Dressage, with attention and respect to the biomechanical, mental and emotional needs of the horse and rider.

With over twenty years of experience, Emily now specializes in bringing peace to horses who have tension and balance issues, sensitive personalities, frustrating behaviors, bending and softening issues and stress-related habits. Her methods of training are gentle and clear for the horse to understand, having pursued a study in French classical dressage methodology and theory. Her training directly reflects her passion for using correct biomechanics to build a better bond between horse and rider.

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All content ©Emily Jenkins, The Mindful Rider LLC, 2014-2022, or reproduced with explicit permissions, unless otherwise specified.